WaZaRWiki : DjangoFramework

GaelReignier :: Categories :: PageIndex :: RecentChanges :: RecentlyCommented :: Login/Register :: Hosted by: eNiX

Revision [36407]

Most recent edit made on 2011-05-30 13:40:51 by GaelReignier


Displaying different columns:

Revision [36406]

Edited on 2011-05-30 13:32:53 by GaelReignier

class stockAdmin ( admin.ModelAdmin ):
inlines = [stockPriceInline]

Revision [36405]

Edited on 2011-05-30 13:32:01 by GaelReignier


Managing the admin panel

class stockInline ( admin.TabularInline ): # admin.StackedInline
model = Stock
extra = 3


django notes

Revision [36404]

Edited on 2011-05-30 13:30:18 by GaelReignier


Revision [36403]

The oldest known version of this page was edited on 2011-05-30 13:29:40 by GaelReignier

django notes

Create a project

django-admin.py startproject mysite

Create a new app:

Several apps can exist in the same project

python manage.py startapp polls

Sync the view with the db

python manage.py syncdb

Run the test server
python manage.py runserver 8080

Show what SQL statements will be generated from models

python manage.py sql appName

Commit the databases changes to the database
python manage.py syncdb
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